Wall-mounting residencial heat recovery unit designed for outdoor installation
Centralized ventilation unit with heat recovery function for outdoor installations, designed to ensure that ideal ambient conditions are maintained in the rooms connected, while also minimizing energy consumption.
Centralized ventilation unit with heat recovery function and compact size, designed to ensure that ideal ambient conditions are maintained in the rooms connected, while also minimizing energy consumption.
Centralized ventilation unit with heat recovery function and compact size, designed to ensure that ideal ambient conditions are maintained in the rooms connected, while also minimizing energy consumption.
Unità di ventilazione centralizzata a doppio flusso con recupero di calore per installazione a parete, dotata di modulo Wi-Fi in grado di connettere il prodotto al Cloud
e consentirne la gestione anche da remoto tramite App. Ideale per la ventilazione di abitazioni e locali residenziali e commerciali di superficie fino a 180 m2.